Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Diffusion Lab: Response

Today, in science class, we did a diffusion lab experiment with iodine and starch. What we did was put about a teaspoon of cornstarch into a baggie and added 100 mL of water. We then filled a beaker halfway with water and our teacher added some iodine into it. After placing the baggie into the bveaker and letting it sit for about fifteen minutes, we observed what we saw. And of course, what we saw supported what we learned about diffusion, the movement of molecules from a higher concentrate to a lower concentrate. We also related it to what we know about cells and how a cell membrane could be selectively permeable, or able to choose what goes into and out of the cell. Also, we learned that iodine as in indicator of cornstarch. An indicator is a substance that changes the color of another solution when coming in contact with each other. In this lab, the indicator was the iodine and it seeped through the bag and turned the cornstarch a hue of purple. This lab experiment was one that was just a remarkable sight in seeing the colors change. Also, connecting cells that we have studied to our studies in the lab really helped me understand all of these processes and definitions that sound so confusing. Hopefully, we will do many more labs this year!

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