In the frog dissection lab, we cut open a preserved frog and examined organs inside it. It may have been a little gross, but it was very fascinating! Even though a frog may not seem like it is anything like a human, our organs are very similar. The main differences, in my opinion, are their location and their appearance. But that may just be because of proportions.However, this is not what we noticed right away. Our first direction was to identify whether it was a male or a female. We opened it and saw no eggs. It was concluded that the frog was a male after the testes were located. Then, we saw these small noodle-shaped structures attached to the body. These were the fat bodies. Because there were so many of these, it took awhile to take them out. Sadly, we accidently ripped out the testes when we wer dissecting. Even though these organs were small and hard to find, there were some organs that you can't miss by sight. The biggest was the liver. It was made up of three big lobes and seemed to take up alot of the space inside of a frog. It also hinders the examination of the other organs. After taking out the liver, you could see so many more organs. One organ that stuck out to me was the gallbladder. It looks like a small green bubble. It is located directly under the liver. Also, I was humored by the appearance of the heart. It actually somewhat looked like a cartoon heart! But it was a little more triangle-shaped than a cartoon heart. Also, the small instestine looked really cool when you removed it and stretched it out. It was so long! All of these organs are in our bodies also. So, when you look inside a frog, it isn't too hard to locate all of the organs. It was so amazing to be able to touch and examine each organ and remove it from the frog. Oddly, it was gross at the same time! We saw organs like the spleen, kidney, lungs, and pancreas. I would definitely do it again. But if I did do it again, I would hope that it doesn't smell as bad as the first time! For more information on frogs, you can go to these websites:
Here is an online dissection game:
Note: This game is online dissection in which you then have to identify the individual parts.
For further knowledge about frogs, visit this website:
Diagram of the internal structure of a frog: