Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Current Events: Deeper Digging Needed to Decode a Best Friend’s Genetic Roots

    This article discusses the mysterious DNA of dogs. Scientists estimate that dogs started roaming Earth between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago. The only piece of information that we had for a very long time was that dogs came from wolves. When DNA was collected from 1,375 dogs, it was found that the breeds were so mixed that their deep genetic history was obscured. However, six dog breeds were found whose DNA was less mixed. They were the basenji, shar-pei, Saluki, Akita, Finnish spitz and Eurasier. When they added these to eight breeds deemed ancient  in other studies, what they found was that the dogs that were most genetically distinct were not from the places where the oldest archaeological and fossil evidence had been found. Scientists expected that if these breeds were closer genetically to the first domesticated dogs, then they would also be geographically closer. They would also be closer geographically to early dog fossils and areas where ancients breeds are known to have lived. Oddly, the findings proved to oppose this expectation. The most genetically distinct dogs were recently relatively isolated in the history of domestication.
    Luckily, not all is lost. For thousands of years, humans have buried their dogs. These early dog fossils can be discovered and dug up. Furthermore, just as DNA had been taken from Neanderthals to study early human life, the same can be done with dogs. The genetic findings from ancient dog fossils should help shed light on the mysteries of early dog domestication in the next few years. As more DNA is collected and more knowledge of dogs is received, we are taking steps in the right direction. In the meantime, scientists need to just step back and take a breath. We can only come closer to figuring out where and when dogs appeared on Earth.
Link:Dogs' Genetic Roots Remain Obscure

Monday, May 14, 2012

Heat Transfer Lab Report

The purpose of the lab was to further understand the transfer of heat through the observation of sand and water.
I predict that the water will heat faster than the sand. I also predict that the water will cool down quicker.
·         2 thermometers
·         2 beakers, 400 mL
·         Water, 300 mL
·         Metric ruler
·         String
·         Ring stand and two ring clamps
·         Sand, 300 mL
·         Lamp with 150-W bulb
·         Clock or stopwatch
·         Graph paper
1.      Fill one beaker with 300 mL of dry sand
2.      Fill the second beaker with 300 mL of water at room temperature
3.      Arrange the beakers side by side beneath the ring stand
4.      Place one thermometer in each beaker
5.      Suspend the thermometers from the ring stand with string
6.      Position the lamp so that it is about 20 cm above the sand and water. There should be no more than 8 cm between the beakers.
7.      Record the temperature of the sand and water in the data table
8.      Turn on the lamp. Read the temperature of the sand and water every minute for 15 minutes. Record the temperatures in the Light On column in the data table.
9.      Turn the light off. Read the temperature of the sand and water every minute for another 15 minute. Record the temperatures in the Light Off column.

·         The water heated up within the first 8 minutes.

·         The temperature of the sand did not appear to rise.

·         Once the lamp had been shut off, the temperature of the water rose at the 20 minute mark.

·         Once again, the temperature of the sand did not change.


The purpose of this lab was to observe the transfer of heat by comparing the heating and cooling of sand and water. My hypothesis was that the water would heat and cool faster than the sand. The results showed that the water heated and cooled while the sand’s temperature remained the same. Although the results supported the hypothesis, the information gathered stated otherwise. Sand is supposed to heat up faster than water. This is because in general the land surface, being less reflective and more absorbent, will absorb a great deal of solar radiation, and will have a significant increase in temperature on a bright sunny day. The ocean, at the same time, will reflect a greater portion of the radiation, causing it to take longer to absorb the heat. The results most likely ended up like this because a lamp was used instead of radiation from the sun. The data collected showed that the temperature of the sand remained at 25°C and the temperature of the water rose from 23°C to 24°C. The temperature then decreased back to 23°C. This lab helped me understand why the sand at the beach is normally hot while the water is typically cold. . Knowledge like this is good to have when you are at the beach so you can somewhat predict how cold or warm the water will be based on how warm the sand is.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Volcano Behind Atlantis Legend Re-awakens (Current Events)

Thousands of years ago, cataclysmic eruptions at the Greek isle of Santorini caused the formation of a volcanic crater. The volcanic crater in Santorini has endured smaller eruptions as recent as in 1950. However, in 2011, the volcano awoke and is currently active. The article discusses how investigators installed a GPS monitoring system in 2006 to track the movement of the crater and volcano. After tracking it for a number of years, researchers found that the land near the volcano had been swelling at an accelerating rate reaching a growth about 7 inches per year. This was discovered between September 2011 and January 2012. The purpose of this ongoing monitoring is so they can use the information to evaluate the physical features and issues that cause the unrest and possible eruption of the volcano. I believe that this monitoring system could assist in discovering new information about the inner workings and other mysterious aspects of a volcano. Scientists can potentially find fascinating information unknown to the world. However, there are some things hindering researchers from discovering some of the most scientifically interesting results possible. The greatest obstacle they are facing is the water itself. Most of the deforming land at Santorini is underwater. Not much investigating can occur without the proper seafloor equipment. Soon enough, they will find a way to fix the problem and continue their fascinating research.